Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 29: The History of Siddhāśrama
Text 1.29.28
वामनाय महीं दातुं निश्चितेऽसुरसत्तमे।
तं निवार्य महाराजं प्राह शुक्रो द्विजोत्तमः॥
vāmanāya mahīṁ dātuṁ niścite ’sura-sattame
taṁ nivārya mahā-rājaṁ prāha śukro dvijottamaḥ
vāmanāya = to Vāmana; mahīm = that land; dātum niścite = had ascertained that he would give; asura-sattame = the best of the asuras; tam = the; nivārya = restrained and; mahā-rājam = the great king; prāha = emphatically spoke as follows; śukraḥ = Śukra; dvija-uttamaḥ = the best of the twiceborn.
When the best of the asuras had ascertained that he would give that land to Vāmana, the best of the twiceborn Śukra restrained the great king and emphatically spoke as follows.