Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 30: Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa Protect Viśvāmitra’s Sacrifice
Text 1.30.19

स तेन परमास्त्रेण मानवेन समाहितः।
सम्पूर्णं योजनशतं क्षिप्तः सागरसम्प्लवे॥

sa tena paramāstreṇa mānavena samāhitaḥ
yojana-śataṁ kṣiptaḥ sāgara-samplave

saḥ = Mārīca; tena parama-astreṇa mānavena = by that great weapon Mānava; samāhitaḥ = struck; sampūrṇam = at a full distance; yojana-śatam = of a hundred yojanas; kṣiptaḥ = was thrown; sāgara-samplave = into the midst of the surging ocean.

Struck by that great weapon Mānava, Mārīca was thrown into the midst of the surging ocean at a full distance of a hundred yojanas.

The first letter of this verse is the second letter of the gāyatrī.