Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 30: Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa Protect Viśvāmitra’s Sacrifice
Text 1.30.25

स हत्वा राक्षसान्सर्वान्यज्ञघ्नान्रघुनन्दनः।
ऋषिभिः पूजितस्तत्र यथेन्द्रो विजये पुरा॥

sa hatvā rākṣasān sarvān yajñaghnān raghu-nandanaḥ
pūjitas tatra yathendro vijaye purā

saḥ = the; hatvā = thus destroyed; rākṣasān sarvān = all the rākṣasas; yajñaghnān = who had obstructed; raghu-nandanaḥ = beloved descendant of Raghu; ṛṣibhiḥ pūjitaḥ tatra = and was then worshipped by the sages there; yathā = just as; indraḥ = Indra; vijaye purā =was worshipped after his conquest of the asuras in the past.

The beloved descendant of Raghu thus destroyed all the rākṣasas who had obstructed the sacrifices, and was then worshipped by the sages there, just as Indra was worshipped after his conquest of the asuras in the past.