Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 32: The History of Kuśanābha and His Daughters
Text 1.32.15

अहं वः कामये सर्वा भार्या मम भविष्यथ।
मानुषस्त्यज्यतां भावो दीर्घमायुरवाप्स्यथ॥

ahaṁ vaḥ kāmaye sarvā bhāryā mama bhaviṣyatha
tyajyatāṁ bhāvo dīrgham āyur avāpsyatha

aham vaḥ kāmaye sarvāḥ = I desire all of you; bhāryāḥ mama bhaviṣyatha = please become my wives; mānuṣaḥ tyajyatām bhāvaḥ = give up your attachment to being human; dīrgham = a long; āyuḥ = life; avāpsyatha = for you will attain.

I desire all of you. Please become my wives. Give up your attachment to being human, for you will attain a long life.