Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 33: Kuśanābha’s Daughters marry Brahmadatta
Text 1.33.4

तेन पापानुबन्धेन वचनं न प्रतीच्छता।
एवं ब्रुवन्त्यः सर्वाः स्म वायुना निहता भृशम्॥

tena pāpānubandhena vacanaṁ na pratīcchatā
bruvantyaḥ sarvāḥ sma vāyunā nihatā bhṛśam

tena pāpa-anubandhena = following the path of sin; vacanam = our words; na = not; pratīcchatā = did accept; evam = thus; bruvantyaḥ = spoke; sarvāḥ sma = all of us; vāyunā = but Vāyu; nihatāḥ = heard us; bhṛśam = badly.

All of us spoke thus, but Vāyu, following the path of sin, did not accept our words and has hurt us badly.