Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 34: Satyavatī, Viśvāmitra’s Elder Sister
Text 1.34.17

उत्तिष्ठति च शीतांशुःऽशशी लोकतमोनुदः।
ह्लादयन्प्राणिनां लोके मनांसि प्रभया विभो॥

uttiṣṭhati ca śītāṁśuḥ śaśī loka-tamo-nudaḥ
prāṇināṁ loke manāṁsi prabhayā vibho

uttiṣṭhati ca = is raising; śīta-aṁśuḥ = the cool-rayed; śaśī = moon; loka-tamaḥ-nudaḥ = destroying the darkness of the worlds; hlādayan = delighting; prāṇinām = of all creatures; loke = in the world; manāṁsi = the minds; prabhayā = by its illumination; vibho = O Lord.

O Lord, delighting the minds of all creatures in the world by its illumination, destroying the darkness of the worlds, the cool-rayed moon is rising.