Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 37: The History of Skanda
Text 1.37.10
तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य कृतार्था रघुनन्दन।
प्रणिपत्य सुराः सर्वे पितामहमपूजयन्॥
tac chrutvā vacanaṁ tasya kṛtārthā raghu-nandana
praṇipatya surāḥ sarve pitāmaham apūjayan
tat = those; śrutvā = upon hearing; vacanam = words; tasya = of his; kṛta-arthāḥ = for they considered their purposes achieved; raghu-nandana = O beloved of the Raghus; praṇipatya = offering their obeisances and; surāḥ = the demigods; sarve = all; pitāmaham = unto grandfather Brahmā; apūjayan = worshipped him.
O beloved of the Raghus, upon hearing those words, all the demigods offered their obeisances unto Grandfather Brahmā and worshipped him, for they considered their purposes achieved.