Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 37: The History of Skanda
Text 1.37.25

तं कुमारं ततो जातं सेन्द्राः सह मरुद्गणाः।
क्षीरसम्भावनार्थाय कृत्तिकाः समयोजयन्॥

taṁ kumāraṁ tato jātaṁ sendrāḥ saha marud-gaṇāḥ
kṛttikāḥ samayojayan

tam kumāram = that child; tataḥ = after; jātam = was placed by Gaṅgā and thus born as a boy; sa-indrāḥ = and Indra; saha-marut-gaṇāḥ = Marut demigod immediately arranged; kṣīra-sambhāvanā-arthāya = to provide him milk for his growth; kṛttikāḥ = the Kṛttikās; samayojayan = arranged for.

After that child was placed by Gaṅgā and thus born as a boy, the Marut demigods and Indra arranged for the Kṛttikās to provide him milk for his growth.