Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 38: The History of Sagara
Text 1.38.12

एको वंशकरो वास्तु बहवो वा महाबलाः।
कीर्तिमन्तो महोत्साहाः का वा कं वरमिच्छति॥

eko vaṁśakaro vāstu bahavo mahā-balāḥ
mahotsāhāḥ kaṁ varam icchati

ekaḥ = one son; vaṁśakaraḥ vā astu = to continue the lineage; bahavaḥ = many sons; = or; mahā-balāḥ = who will have great strength; kīrtimantaḥ = fame; mahā-utsāhāḥ = and prowess; = who; kam varam = which benediction; icchati = wants.

One [son] will continue the lineage. The other [sons] will have great strength, fame and prowess. Who wants which?