Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 40: Lord Kapila Punishes Sagara’s Sons
Text 1.40.23
समालभ्य ततः सर्वे कृत्वा चैनं प्रदक्षिणम्।
षष्टिः पुत्रसहस्राणि बिभिदुर्वसुधातलम्॥
samālabhya tataḥ sarve kṛtvā cainaṁ pradakṣiṇam
ṣaṣṭiḥ putra-sahasrāṇi bibhidur vasudhā-talam
samālabhya = touched and [1]; tataḥ = then; sarve = all; kṛtvā ca enam pradakṣiṇam = circumambulated it; ṣaṣṭiḥ putra-sahasrāṇi = the 60,000 sons of Sagara; bibhiduḥ = and then pierced through; vasudhā-talam = the surface of the earth.
All the 60,000 sons of Sagara then touched and circumambulated it, and then pierced through the surface of the earth.
[1] ālambhaḥ sparśa-hiṁsayoḥ. (Amara-kośa)