Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 41: Aṁśumān Searches for His Uncles and the Horse
Text 1.41.20

तया क्लिन्नमिदं भस्म गङ्गया लोककान्तया।
षष्टिं पुत्रसहस्राणि स्वर्गलोकं नयिष्यति॥

bhasma-rāśī-kṛtān etān plāvayel loka-pāvanī
klinnam idaṁ bhasma gaṅgayā loka-kāntayā
ṣaṣṭiṁ putra-sahasrāṇi svarga-lokaṁ nayiṣyati

bhasma-rāśī-kṛtān = on ashes [of your younger fathers]; etān = these; plāvayet = you should sprinkle; loka-pāvanī = Gaṅgā, the purifier of the worlds; tayā klinnam idam bhasma gaṅgayā = these ashes wet with Gaṅgā; loka-kāntayā = so dear to the world; ṣaṣṭim putra-sahasrāṇi = the sixty thousand sons of Sagara; svarga-lokam = Svarga-loka; nayiṣyati = will take.

You should sprinkle Gaṅgā, the purifier of the worlds, on these ashes [of your younger fathers]. These ashes, wet with Gaṅgā so dear to the worlds, will take the 60,000 sons of Sagara to Svarga-loka.

Garuḍa informed Aṁśumān that he should not just offer oblations. He should also sprinkle Gaṅgā on the ashes of Sagara’s sons.