Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 43: Gaṅgā Descends to the Earth
Text 1.43.16

सुचक्षुश्चैव सीता च सिन्धुश्चैव महानदी।
तिस्रस्त्वेता दिशं जग्मुः प्रतीचीं तु शुभोदकाः॥

sucakṣuś caiva sītā ca sindhuś caiva mahā-nadī
tv etā diśaṁ jagmuḥ pratīcīṁ tu śubhodakāḥ

sucakṣuḥ ca eva = Sucakṣus; sītā ca = Sītā; sindhuḥ ca eva = and Sindhu; mahā-nadī = the great river Gaṅgā; tisraḥ tu = three streams of; etāḥ = these; diśam jagmuḥ pratīcīm tu = flowed towards the west; śubha-udakāḥ = the auspicious waters.

The auspicious waters of these three streams of the great river Gaṅgā—Sucakṣus, Sītā and Sindhu—flowed towards the west.