Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 43: Gaṅgā Descends to the Earth
Text 1.43.26

पाण्डुरैः सलिलोत्पीडैः कीर्यमाणैः सहस्रधा।
शारदाभ्रैरिवाकीर्णं गगनं हंससम्प्लवैः॥

pāṇḍuraiḥ salilotpīḍaiḥ kīryamāṇaiḥ sahasradhā
ivākīrṇaṁ gaganaṁ haṁsa-samplavaiḥ

pāṇḍuraiḥ = with white; salila-utpīḍaiḥ = foam; kīryamāṇaiḥ = scattered; sahasradhā = a thousand-fold; śārada-abhraiḥ = with monsoon clouds; iva = appeared to be; ākīrṇam = filled; gaganam = the sky; haṁsa-samplavaiḥ = and crowded by swans.

With white foam scattered a thousand-fold, the sky appeared to be filled with monsoon clouds and crowded by swans.

The foam scattered a thousand-fold by the forceful speed [of Gaṅgā falling on to earth].