Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 44: Bhagīratha Delivers his Uncles
Text 1.44.10-11

राजर्षिणा गुणवता महर्षिसमतेजसा।
मत्तुल्यतपसा चैव क्षत्रधर्मस्थितेन च॥

दिलीपेन महाभाग तव पित्रातितेजसा।
पुनर्न शङ्किता नेतुं गङ्गां प्रार्थयतानघ॥

rāja-rṣiṇā guṇavatā maha-rṣi-sama-tejasā
caiva kṣatra-dharma-sthitena ca

dilīpena mahā-bhāga tava pitrātitejasā
na śaṅkitā netuṁ gaṅgāṁ prārthayatānagha

rāja-ṛṣiṇā = the saintly king; guṇavatā = he was filled with auspicious qualities; mahā-ṛṣi-sama-tejasā = equal in prowess to the maharṣis; mat-tulya-tapasā ca eva = equal to me in austerity; kṣatra-dharma-sthitena = fixed in the religious duty of the kṣatriyas; ca = and; dilīpena = Dilīpa; mahā-bhāga = O greatly fortune; tava = your; pitrā = father; atitejasā = extremely powerful; punaḥ = simply; na śaṅkitā = was unable to understand; netum =how to bring; gaṅgām = Gaṅgā [to earth]; prārthayatā = though he prayed for her [to descend]; anagha = sinless one.

O greatly fortune and sinless one, your extremely powerful father, the saintly King Dilīpa, was simply unable to understand how to bring Gaṅgā [to earth], though he prayed for her [to descend]. He was filled with auspicious qualities, equal in prowess to the maharṣis, equal to me in austerity and fixed in the religious duty of the kṣatriyas.