उत्तरं तीरमासाद्य सम्पूज्य र्षिगणं तदा।
गङ्गाकूले निविष्टास्ते विशालां ददृशुः पुरीम्॥
uttaraṁ tīram āsādya sampūjya rṣi-gaṇaṁ tadā
gaṅgā-kūle niviṣṭās te viśālāṁ dadṛśuḥ purīm
uttaram = the northern; tīram = bank; āsādya = they reached and; sampūjya = respectfully sent back; ṛṣi-gaṇam tadā = the sages [who had accompanied them in order to have them cross over the river]; gaṅgā-kūle = on that bank of Gaṅgā; niviṣṭāḥ = after staying[for a few moments]; te = they; viśālām = Viśālā; dadṛśuḥ = saw; purīm = the city.
They reached the northern bank and respectfully sent back the sages [who had accompanied them in order to have them cross over the river]. After staying for a few moments on that bank of Gaṅgā, they saw the city Viśālā.1
1 This is the same as the city Vaisālī mentioned in the Canto Sammary.