Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 46: Diti’s vow to kill Indra
Text 1.46.13

याचितेन सुरश्रेष्ठ पित्रा तव महात्मना।
वरो वर्षसहस्रान्ते मम दत्तः सुतं प्रति॥

yācitena sura-śreṣṭha pitrā tava mahātmanā
varṣa-sahasrānte mama dattaḥ sutaṁ prati

yācitena = beseeched by me; sura-śreṣṭha = O best of demigods; pitrā tava = your father; mahā-ātmanā = the great soul; varaḥ = a boon; varṣa-sahasra-ante = after a thousand years [of austerity]; mama = me; dattaḥ = granted; sutam prati = [I will give birth to] a son.

O best of demigods, your father, the great soul, beseeched by me, granted me a boon: [I will give birth to] a son after a thousand years [of austerity].

Because Diti was greatly pleased by Indra’s menial services, she forgot her enmity towards him.