Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 47: King Sumati Approaches Viśvāmitra
Text 1.47.6

चत्वारस्तु सुरश्रेष्ठ दिशो वै तव शासनात्।
सञ्चरिष्यन्तु भद्रं ते देवभूता ममात्मजाः।
त्वत्कृतेनैव नाम्ना च मारुताः इति विश्रुताः॥

catvāras tu sura-śreṣṭha diśo vai tava śāsanāt
bhadraṁ te deva-bhūtā mamātmajāḥ
nāmnā ca mārutāḥ iti viśrutāḥ

catvāraḥ tu = let the [remaining] four; sura-śreṣṭha = O best of the demigods; diśaḥ vai = in the [four] directions; tava śāsanāt = under your control; sañcariṣyantu = wander; bhadram te = may there be auspiciousness unto you; deva-bhūtāḥ = as devas; mama ātmajāḥ = my sons; tvat-kṛtena eva = because of your activity; nāmnā ca mārutāḥ iti = by the name “Mārutas”; viśrutāḥ = will be famous.

O best of the demigods, let the [remaining] four wander in the [four] directions under your control. May there be auspiciousness unto you. Because of your activity, my sons will be famous as devas by the name “Mārutas.”