Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 48: Gautama Curses Ahalyā
Text 1.48.35

तस्यातिथ्येन दुर्वृत्ते लोभमोहविवर्जिता।
मत्सकाशे मुदा युक्ता स्वं वपुर्धारयिष्यसि॥

tasyātithyena durvṛtte lobha-moha-vivarjitā
mudā yuktā svaṁ vapur dhārayiṣyasi

tasya ātithyena = by serving Him as your guest; durvṛtte = O evil lady; lobha-moha-vivarjitā = you will become free from greed and bewilderment; mat-sakāśe = joined with me; mudā yuktā = with delight; svam vapuḥ = your original visible form; dhārayiṣyasi = you will assume.

O evil lady, by serving Him as your guest, you will become free from greed and bewilderment. Joined with me with delight, you will assume your original visible form.

Even after becoming pure, Ahalyā would not be able to regain her previous position [as Ahalyā, the wife of Sage Gautama] without worshipping the lotus feet of Lord Rāma.