Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 49: Lord Rāmacandra Delivers Ahalyā
Text 1.49.5

शतक्रतोर्वचः श्रुत्वा देवाः साग्निपुरोगमाः।
पितृदेवानुपेत्याहुः सर्वे सह मरुद्गणैः॥

śatakrator vacaḥ śrutvā devāḥ sāgni-purogamāḥ
upetyāhuḥ sarve saha marud-gaṇaiḥ

śatakratoḥ vacaḥ śrutvā = hearing the words of Indra of a thousand sacrifices; devāḥ = the demigods; sa-agni-purogamāḥ = headed by Agni; pitṛ-devān = the pitṛ-devas; upetya = approached and; āhuḥ = spoke as follows; sarve = all; saha marud-gaṇaiḥ = and maruts.

Hearing the words of Indra of a thousand sacrifices, all the demigods and maruts headed by Agni approached the pitṛ-devas and spoke as follows.

These pitṛ-devas are the ones beginning with Kavya-vāhana.