पुराविचार्य मोहेन ऋषिपत्नीं शतक्रतुः।
धर्षयित्वा मुनेः शापात्तत्रैव विफलः कृतः।
इदानीं कुप्यते देवान्देवराजः पुरन्दरः॥
purāvicārya mohena ṛṣi-patnīṁ śatakratuḥ
dharṣayitvā muneḥ śāpāt tatraiva viphalaḥ kṛtaḥ
idānīṁ kupyate devān deva-rājaḥ purandaraḥ
purā avicārya = out of infatuation; mohena = without exercising his intelligence; ṛṣi-patnīm = a sage’s wife; śatakratuḥ = Indra of a thousand sacrifices; dharṣayitvā = has violated and; muneḥ = of that sage; śāpāt = by the curse; tatra eva = then and there; viphalaḥ kṛtaḥ = has been made sexually impotent; idānīm = now; kupyate = is angry; devān = with the devas; deva-rājaḥ = the king of the devas; purandaraḥ = Purandara.
Out of infatuation, without exercising his intelligence, Indra of a thousand sacrifices has violated a sage’s wife and, by the curse of that sage, has been made sexually impotent then and there. Now the king of the devas, Purandara, is angry with the devas.