Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 49: Lord Rāmacandra Delivers Ahalyā
Text 1.49.9

भवतां हर्षणार्थे च ये च दास्यन्ति मानवाः।
अक्षयं हि फलं तेषां यूयं दास्यथ पुष्कलम्॥

bhavatāṁ harṣaṇārthe ca ye ca dāsyanti mānavāḥ
hi phalaṁ teṣāṁ yūyaṁ dāsyatha puṣkalam

bhavatām harṣaṇa-arthe ca = for your delight; ye ca dāsyanti = who give in charity rams without testicles; mānavāḥ = human beings; akṣayam hi = and inexhaustible; phalam = benefits; teṣām = for those; yūyam = all of you; dāsyatha = will bestow; puṣkalam = pure.

All of you will bestow pure and inexhaustible benefits for those human beings who give in charity rams without testicles for your delight.

The demigods blessed the pitṛ-devas that those who sacrifice such a ram, gifting it to the pitṛ-devas, will not experience any deficiency in experiencing the results of their sacrifice.