स तांश्चापि मुनीन्पृष्ट्वा सोपाध्यायपुरोधसः।
यथान्यायं ततः सर्वैः समागच्छत्प्रहृष्टवत्॥
sa tāṁś cāpi munīn pṛṣṭvā sopādhyāya-purodhasaḥ
yathā-nyāyaṁ tataḥ sarvaiḥ samāgacchat prahṛṣṭavat
saḥ tān ca api munīn pṛṣṭvā = Viśvāmitra also inquired about the welfare of the sages who had offered him arghya; sa-upādhyāya-purodhasaḥ = the sacrificial priests and the priest Śatānanda; yathā-nyāyam tataḥ = then, one by one, in accordance with scriptural directions; sarvaiḥ samāgacchat prahṛṣṭavat = all of them delightfully met Viśvāmitra and inquired of his welfare.
Viśvāmitra also inquired about the welfare of the sages who had offered him arghya, the sacrificial priests and the priest Śatānanda. Then, one by one, in accordance with scriptural directions, all of them delightfully met Viśvāmitra and inquired of his welfare.