Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 51: King Viśvāmitra Arrives at Vasiṣṭha’s Āśrama
Text 1.51.15

नास्ति धन्यतरो राम त्वत्तोऽन्यो भुवि कश्चन।
गोप्ता कुशिकपुत्रस्ते येन तप्तं महत्तपः॥

nāsti dhanyataro rāma tvatto ‘nyo bhuvi kaścana
kuśika-putras te yena taptaṁ mahat tapaḥ

na asti dhanyataraḥ = there is none more fortunate; rāma = O Rāma; tvattaḥ anyaḥ = than You; bhuvi kaścana = on earth; goptā = protector; kuśika-putraḥ = is Kuśika’s son; te = Your; yena = by whom; taptam mahat tapaḥ = mighty austerities have been performed.

O Rāma, there is none more fortunate than You on earth. Your protector is Kuśika’s son by whom mighty austerities have been performed.

This reinforces what Śatānanda stated in the second half of the previous verse. In this verse, the second sentence states the reason for stating the first sentence.