Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 51: King Viśvāmitra Arrives at Vasiṣṭha’s Āśrama
Text 1.51.17

राजाभूदेष धर्मात्मा दीर्घकालमरिन्दमः।
धर्मज्ञः कृतविद्यश्च प्रजानां च हिते रतः॥

rājābhūd eṣa dharmātmā dīrgha-kālam arindamaḥ
kṛta-vidyaś ca prajānāṁ ca hite rataḥ

rājā abhūt eṣaḥ dharma-ātmā = this dhārmika person was a king; dīrgha-kālam = for a long time; arindamaḥ = he was a subduer of his enemies; dharmajñaḥ = a knower of Vedic dharma; kṛta-vidyaḥ ca = well educated and trained; prajānām ca hite rataḥ = and intent upon the welfare of his citizens.

This dhārmika person was a king for a long time. He was a subduer of his enemies, a knower of Vedic dharma, well educated and trained, and intent upon the welfare of his citizens.

The next three verses answer a question that could be anticipated, “Which king’s son was Viśvāmitra?”