Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 52: Śabalā, Vasiṣṭha’s Wish-fulfilling Cow
Text 1.52.11
कृत्वोभौ सुचिरं कालं धर्मिष्ठौ ताः कथाः शुभाः।
मुदा परमया युक्तौ प्रीयेतां तौ परस्परम्॥
kṛtvobhau suciraṁ kālaṁ dharmiṣṭhau tāḥ kathāḥ śubhāḥ
mudā paramayā yuktau prīyetāṁ tau parasparam
kṛtvā = by discussing; ubhau = those ones; suciram kālam = for a long time; dharmiṣṭhau = devoted to dharma; tāḥ kathāḥ śubhāḥ = the welfare of each other; mudā = delight; paramayā = great; yuktau = with; prīyetām tau = pleased; parasparam = each other.
By discussing the welfare of each other for a long time, those ones devoted to dharma pleased each other with great delight.