Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 52: Śabalā, Vasiṣṭha’s Wish-fulfilling Cow
Text 1.52.9

कच्चिद् बलेषु कोशेषु मित्रेषु च परन्तप
कुशलं ते नरव्याघ्र पुत्रपौत्रे तथानघ

kaccid baleṣu kośeṣu mitreṣu ca parantapa
te nara-vyāghra putra-pautre tathānagha

kaccit = I hope; baleṣu = forces (elephants, chariots, cavalry and infantry); kośeṣu = treasuries; mitreṣu ca = friends; parantapa = O scorcher of enemies; kuśalam = are well; te = your; nara-vyāghra = O tiger among men; putra-pautre tathā = sons and grandsons; anagha = O sinless one.

O scorcher of enemies, O sinless one, O tiger among men, I hope your forces (elephants, chariots, cavalry and infantry), treasuries, friends, sons and grandsons are well.

“Sons and grandsons” include his domestic animals like cows and horses.