Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 54: Śabalā Attacks King Viśvāmitra’s Army
Text 1.54.4
किं मयापकृतं तस्य महर्षेर्भावितात्मनः।
यन्मामनागसं भक्तां इष्टां त्यजति धार्मिकः॥
kiṁ mayāpakṛtaṁ tasya maha-rṣer bhāvitātmanaḥ
yan mām anāgasaṁ bhaktāṁ iṣṭāṁ tyajati dhārmikaḥ
kim = what; mayā apakṛtam = wrong have I done; tasya = to that; mahā-ṛṣeḥ = great sage; bhāvita-ātmanaḥ = of spiritual consciousness; yat = that; mām = me; anāgasam = a faultless; bhaktām = devotee of his; iṣṭām = dear; tyajati = he rejects; dhārmikaḥ = dhārmika.
What wrong have I done to that great dhārmika sage of spiritual consciousness that he rejects me, a faultless dear devotee of his?