Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 54: Śabalā Attacks King Viśvāmitra’s Army
Text 1.54.7

शबला सा रुदन्ती च क्रोशन्ती चेदमब्रवीत्।
वसिष्ठस्याग्रतः स्थित्वा मेघदुन्दुभिराविणी॥

śabalā rudantī ca krośantī cedam abravīt
sthitvā megha-dundubhi-rāviṇī

śabalā = Śabalā; = she; rudantī ca = weeping; krośantī ca = and moaning in distress; idam = as follows; abravīt = spoke; vasiṣṭhasya = of Vasiṣṭha; agrataḥ = in front; sthitvā = stood; megha-dundubhi-rāviṇī = roaring like the thunder and the dundubhi drums.

Weeping and moaning in distress, Śabalā stood in front of Vasiṣṭha. Roaring like the thunder and the dundubhi drums, she spoke as follows.