Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 6: The Residents of Ayodhyā
Text 1.6.11

न मृष्टभोजी नादाता नाप्यनङ्गदनिष्कधृक्।
नाहस्ताभरणो वापि दृश्यते नाप्यनात्मवान्॥

nāmṛṣṭa-bhojī nādātā nāpy anaṅgada-niṣkadhṛk
nāhastābharaṇo vāpi dṛśyate nāpy anātmavān

na = there was no; amṛṣṭa-bhojī = one who did not have full meals; na = no; adātā = one who did not give food in charity; na api = no; anaṅgada-niṣkadhṛk = one without ornaments on their arms and chests; ahasta-ābharaṇaḥ = one without ornaments on his hands such as bracelets or rings; na api = no; dṛśyate = to be seen; na api = no; anātmavān = one who had not subdued his mind.

There was no one who did not have full meals, no one who did not give food in charity, no one without ornaments on their arms and chests, no one without ornaments on his hands such as bracelets or rings, or who had not subdued his mind.

Because there was no scarcity of grains, nobody had to eat less. Niṣka refers to ornaments on the chest [8].

[8] uro-bhūṣaṇe... niṣkaḥ (Amara).