Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 6: The Residents of Ayodhyā
Text 1.6.21

योधानामग्निकल्पानां पेशलानाममर्षिणाम्।
सम्पूर्णा कृतविद्यानां गुहा केसरिणामिव॥

yodhānām agni-kalpānāṁ peśalānām amarṣiṇām
sampūrṇā kṛta-vidyānāṁ guhā kesariṇām iva

yodhānām = combatants agni-kalpānām = firelike; peśalānām = nonduplicitous; amarṣiṇām = intolerant; sampūrṇā = filled with; kṛta-vidyānām = who had completed their education; guhā = a cave kesariṇām = for lions; iva = like.

Filled with firelike, nonduplicitous and intolerant combatants who had completed their education, the city was like a cave for lions.

The combatants were firelike due to their abundant heroism. They were intolerant of being overcome by opponent warriors. They had completed their training with weapons and missiles. Because of these combatants, Ayodhyā was unassailable.