Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 66: The History of Lord Śiva’s bow
Text 1.66.22

आत्मानमवधूतं ते विज्ञाय नृपपुङ्गवाः।
रोषेण महताविष्टाः पीडयन्मिथिलां पुरीम्॥

ātmānam avadhūtaṁ te vijñāya nṛpa-puṅgavāḥ
mahatāviṣṭāḥ pīḍayan mithilāṁ purīm

ātmānam avadhūtam = had been insulted by me; te = they; vijñāya = considering that; nṛpa-puṅgavāḥ = the kings; roṣeṇa = anger; mahatā = by great; āviṣṭāḥ = overcome; pīḍayan = tormented; mithilām = of Mithilā; purīm = the city.

Considering that they had been insulted by me, the kings, overcome by great anger, tormented the city of Mithilā.

Those kings considered that they were insulted by Janaka’s placing the price of strength on his daughter.