Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 67: Lord Rāma Breaks Lord Śiva’s bow
Text 1.67.6

इदं धनुर्वरं राजन्पूजितं सर्वराजभिः।
मिथिलाधिप राजेन्द्र दर्शनीयं यदिच्छसि॥

idaṁ dhanur-varaṁ rājan pūjitaṁ sarva-rājabhiḥ
rājendra darśanīyaṁ yad icchasi

idam = here is; dhanur-varam = the excellent bow; rājan = O king; pūjitam = worshipped; sarva-rājabhiḥ = by all the kings; mithilā-adhipa = O ruler of Mithilā; rāja-indra = O emperor; darśanīyam yat icchasi = [we have brought] that which you wanted to be shown.

O king, here is the excellent bow worshipped by all the kings. O ruler of Mithilā, O emperor, [we have brought] that which you wanted to be shown.