Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 70: Rāma’s Noble Lineage
Text 1.70.33
तमृषिं साभ्युपागम्य कालिन्दी चाभ्यवादयत्।
स तामभ्यवदद्विप्रः पुत्रेप्सुं पुत्रजन्मनि॥
tam ṛṣiṁ sābhyupāgamya kālindī cābhyavādayat
sa tām abhyavadad vipraḥ putrepsuṁ putra-janmani
tam ṛṣim = that sage; sā = that [wife of King Asita]; abhyupāgamya = approached and; kālindī ca = Kālindī; abhyavādayat = served him menially; saḥ = and the; tām = to her; abhyavadat = spoke; vipraḥ = sage; putra-īpsum = she desired that her son be born without any difficulty; putra-janmani = about the [future] birth of her son.
Kālindī, that [wife of King Asita], approached that sage and served him menially. She desired that her son be born without any difficulty and the sage spoke to her about the [future] birth of her son.