Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 70: Rāma’s Noble Lineage
Text 1.70.37

सपत्न्या तु गरस्तस्यै दत्तो गर्भजिघांसया।
सह तेन गरेणैव जातः स सगरोऽभवत्॥

sapatnyā tu garas tasyai datto garbha-jighāṁsayā
tena gareṇaiva jātaḥ sa sagaro ’bhavat

sapatnyā tu = by her co-wife; garaḥ = poison; tasyai = to her; dattaḥ = was given; garbha-jighāṁsayā = to kill the child in her womb; saha tena gareṇa eva = with that very poison; jātaḥ sa = because he was born [in good health]; sagaraḥ = Sagara; abhavat = he was named.

Poison was given to her by her co-wife to kill the child in her womb. Because he was born [in good health] with that very poison, he was named Sagara.1

1 Gara means “poison” and sa means “with.” Since he was born in good health with that very poison, he was named Sagara.