साङ्काश्यां ते समागम्य ददृशुश्च कुशध्वजम्।
न्यवेदयन्यथावृत्तं जनकस्य च चिन्तितम्।
तद् वृत्तं नृपतिः श्रुत्वा दूतश्रेष्ठैर्महाबलैः॥
आज्ञयाथ नरेन्द्रस्य आजगाम कुशध्वजः।
स ददर्श महात्मानं जनकं धर्मवत्सलम्॥
sāṅkāśyāṁ te samāgamya dadṛśuś ca kuśadhvajam
nyavedayan yathā-vṛttaṁ janakasya ca cintitam
tad vṛttaṁ nṛ-patiḥ śrutvā dūta-śreṣṭhair mahā-balaiḥ
ājñayātha narendrasya ājagāma kuśadhvajaḥ
sa dadarśa mahātmānaṁ janakaṁ dharma-vatsalam
sāṅkāśyām = at Sāṅkāśyā; te = they; samāgamya = upon arriving; dadṛśuḥ ca = saw; kuśadhvajam = Kuśadhvaja; nyavedayan = informed him; yathā-vṛttam = of the happenings; janakasya = Janaka’s; ca = and; cintitam = thoughts; tat = about those; vṛttam = events; nṛ-patiḥ = king; śrutvā = upon hearing; dūta-śreṣṭhaiḥ = and excellent messengers; mahā-balaiḥ = from the greatly strong; ājñayā atha = on the order; narendrasya = of King Janaka; ājagāma = arrived [at Mithilā]; kuśadhvajaḥ = Kuśadhvaja; saḥ dadarśa = and saw; mahātmānam = the great soul; janakam = Janaka; dharma-vatsalam = who was fond of dharma.
Upon arriving at Sāṅkāśyā, they saw Kuśadhvaja, informed him of the happenings and Janaka’s thoughts. Upon hearing about those events from the greatly strong and excellent messengers, on the order of King Janaka, King Kuśadhvaja arrived [at Mithilā] and saw the great soul Janaka who was fond of dharma.