Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 73: The Grand Wedding of Sītā and Rāma
Text 1.73.25-28

तथेत्युक्त्वा तु जनकं वसिष्ठो भगवानृषिः।
विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य शतानन्दं च धार्मिकम्॥

प्रपामध्ये तु विधिवद्वेदिं कृत्वा महातपाः।
अलञ्चकार तां वेदिं गन्धपुष्पैः समन्ततः॥

सुवर्णपालिकाभिश्च छिद्रकुम्भैश्च साङ्कुरैः।
अङ्कुराढ्यैः शरावैश्च धूपपात्रैः सधूपकैः॥

शङ्खपात्रैः स्रुवैः स्रुग्भिः पात्रैरर्घ्याभिपूरितैः।
लाजपूर्णैश्च पात्रीभिरक्षतैरभिसंस्कृतैः॥

tathety uktvā tu janakaṁ vasiṣṭho bhagavān ṛṣiḥ
puraskṛtya śatānandaṁ ca dhārmikam

prapā-madhye tu vidhivad vediṁ kṛtvā mahā-tapāḥ
tāṁ vediṁ gandha-puṣpaiḥ samantataḥ

suvarṇa-pālikābhiś ca chidra-kumbhaiś ca sāṅkuraiḥ
śarāvaiś ca dhūpa-pātraiḥ sadhūpakaiḥ

śaṅkha-pātraiḥ sruvaiḥ srugbhiḥ pātrair arghyābhipūritaiḥ
ca pātrībhir akṣatair abhisaṁskṛtaiḥ

tathā iti = alright; uktvā tu = said; = and; janakam = to Janaka; vasiṣṭhaḥ = Vasiṣṭha; bhagavān ṛṣiḥ = the powerful sage; viśvāmitram = Viśvāmitra; puraskṛtya = keeping in front of him; śatānandam ca dhārmikam = and the dhārmika Śatānanda; prapā-madhye tu = in the midst of a shed made of fresh coconut leaves and so on; vidhivat = in accordance with the scriptural injunctions; vedim kṛtvā = constructed a platform; mahā-tapāḥ = of great austerity; alañcakāra = and decorated; tām vedim = that platform; gandha-puṣpaiḥ = with fragrant flowers; samantataḥ = all around; suvarṇa-pālikābhiḥ ca = suvarṇa-pālikā golden vessels; chidra-kumbhaiḥ ca sa-aṅkuraiḥ = containing sprouts and water vessels with holes; aṅkurāḍhyaiḥ śarāvaiḥ  ca = earthen vessels with sprouts; dhūpa-pātraiḥ sadhūpakaiḥ = incense holders with burning incenses; śaṅkha-pātraiḥ = conch-shaped vessels; sruvaiḥ srugbhiḥ pātraiḥ = sruvas, sruks, vessels; arghya abhipūritaiḥ = filled with water for offering arghya; lāja-pūrṇaiḥ ca pātrībhiḥ = vessels containing roasted paddy vessels for other purposes; akṣataiḥ = and unbroken grains; abhisaṁskṛtaiḥ = purified by smearing them with turmeric and so on.

The powerful sage Vasiṣṭha of great austerity said, “Alright” to Janaka and, keeping Viśvāmitra and the dhārmika Śatānanda in front of him, constructed a platform in the midst of a shed made of fresh coconut leaves and so on in accordance with the scriptural injunctions and decorated that platform all around with fragrant flowers, suvarṇa-pālikā golden vessels containing sprouts and water vessels with holes, earthen vessels with sprouts, incense holders with burning incenses, conch-shaped vessels, sruvas, sruks, vessels filled with water for offering arghya, vessels containing roasted paddy, vessels for other purposes and unbroken grains purified by smearing them with turmeric and so on.

Sruva and sruk are used for pouring oblations in a homa.