Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 73: The Grand Wedding of Sītā and Rāma
Text 1.73.35

प्रक्षिप्ते सलिले भूमौ गगने चोत्थिताः स्वनाः।
सधु साध्विति देवानामृषीणां वदतां तदा।
देवदुन्दुभिनिर्घोषः पुष्पवर्षो महानभूत्॥

prakṣipte salile bhūmau gagane cotthitāḥ svanāḥ
sādhv iti devānām ṛṣīṇāṁ vadatāṁ tadā
puṣpa-varṣo mahān abhūt

prakṣipte salile bhūmau = when that sprinkled water fell on the ground; gagane ca = in the skies; utthitāḥ = arose; svanāḥ = the sounds; sadhu sādhu iti = sadhu, sādhu; devānām = of the devas; ṛṣīṇām = and ṛṣis; vadatām tadā = saying; deva-dundubhi-nirghoṣaḥ = as well as the sounds of dundubhi drums being beaten by the devas; puṣpa-varṣaḥ = shower of flowers [on Sītā-Rāma]; mahān = a great; abhūt = there was also.

When that sprinkled water fell on the ground, the sounds of the devas and ṛṣis saying, “Sādhu! Sādhu!” as well as the sounds of  dundubhi drums being beaten by the devas arose in the skies. There was also a great shower of flowers [on Sītā-Rāma].