Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 77: The Newly-wed Couples Reach Ayodhyā
Text 1.77.10-11

पौरैः प्रत्युद्गतो दूरं द्विजैश्च पुरवासिभिः।
पुत्रैरनुगतः श्रीमाञ्श्रीमद्भिश्च महायशाः॥

प्रविवेश गृहं राजा हिमवत्सदृशं पुनः॥
ननन्द सजनो राजा गृहे कामैः सुपूजितः॥

pauraiḥ pratyudgato dūraṁ dvijaiś ca pura-vāsibhiḥ
anugataḥ śrīmāñ śrīmadbhiś ca mahā-yaśāḥ

praviveśa gṛhaṁ rājā himavat-sadṛśaṁ punaḥ
sajano rājā gṛhe kāmaiḥ supūjitaḥ

pauraiḥ = by the citizens; pratyudgataḥ = welcomed; dūram = at a distance; dvijaiḥ ca = and the twice-born; pura-vāsibhiḥ = living in the city; putraiḥ = sons; anugataḥ = followed; śrīmān = who was himself splendorous; śrīmadbhiḥ ca = by his splendorous; mahā-yaśāḥ = of great fame; praviveśa = entered; gṛham = his home; rājā = King Daśaratha; himavat-sadṛśam punaḥ = that resembled the Himālaya; nananda = rejoiced; sajanaḥ = with his relatives there; rājā = the king; gṛhe = at his home; kāmaiḥ = and entertained; supūjitaḥ = and well honored.

Welcomed by the citizens and the twice-born living at a distance in the city, followed by his splendorous sons, King Daśaratha who was himself splendorous and of great fame entered his home that resembled the Himālaya. The king with his relatives there rejoiced at his home, well honored and entertained.