Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 77: The Newly-wed Couples Reach Ayodhyā
Text 1.77.14

ततः सीतां महाभागामूर्मिलां च यशस्विनीम्।
कुशध्वजसुते चोभे जगृहुर्नृपपत्नयः॥

tataḥ sītāṁ mahā-bhāgām ūrmilāṁ ca yaśasvinīm
cobhe jagṛhur nṛpa-patnayaḥ

tataḥ = then; sītām = Sītā; mahā-bhāgām = the greatly fortunate; ūrmilām ca = Ūrmilā; yaśasvinīm = the famous; kuśadhvaja-sute = daughters of Kuśadhvaja; ca = and; ubhe = the two; jagṛhuḥ = took inside the inner quarters; nṛpa-patnayaḥ = the queens.

Then, the queens took the greatly fortunate Sītā, the famous Ūrmilā and the two daughters of Kuśadhvaja inside the inner quarters.