Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 43: Gaṅgā Descends to the Earth
Text 1.43.10

सा तस्मिन्पतिता पुण्या पुण्ये रुद्रस्य मूर्धनि।
हिमवत्प्रतिमे राम जटामण्डलगह्वरे॥

tasmin patitā puṇyā puṇye rudrasya mūrdhani
rāma jaṭā-maṇḍala-gahvare

= Gaṅgā; tasmin = on the; patitā = fell; puṇyā = the sacred; puṇye = sacred; rudrasya = of Lord Rudra; mūrdhani = head; himavat-pratime = which resembled the Himalayas; rāma = O Rāma; jaṭā-maṇḍala-gahvare = and the locks of his matted hair resembled a cave.

O Rāma, the sacred Gaṅgā fell on the sacred head of Lord Rudra. which resembled the Himalayas and the locks of his matted hair resembled a cave.