Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 43: Gaṅgā Descends to the Earth
Text 1.43.24
सम्पतद्भिर्सुरगणैस्तेषां चाभरणौजसा।
शतादित्यमिवाभाति गगनंगततोयदम्॥
sampatadbhir sura-gaṇais teṣāṁ cābharaṇaujasā
śatādityam ivābhāti gaganaṁ gata-toyadam
sampatadbhiḥ = with those descending; sura-gaṇaiḥ = demigods; teṣām = their; ca = and; ābharaṇa-ojasā = the prowess of ornaments; śata-ādityam = a hundred suns; iva = like; ābhāti = shone; gaganam = the sky; gata-toyadam = its clouds dispersed.
The sky, its clouds dispersed, shone like a hundred suns with those descending demigods and the prowess of their ornaments.