Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 64: Viśvāmitra Falls Prey to Anger
Text 1.64.21

न हि मे तप्यमानस्य क्षयं यास्यन्ति मूर्तयः॥

na hi me tapyamānasya kṣayaṁ yāsyanti mūrtayaḥ

na hi = not; me = my; tapyamānasya = while I am engaged in austerity; kṣayam yāsyanti mūrtayaḥ = [by the power of my austerity] body will become destroyed.1

By the power of my austerity, my body will not become destroyed while I am engaged in austerity.

1 Mūrtayaḥ refers to the different parts of the body.